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          We want to share with you a ministry idea that in all honesty, would never have crossed our minds ten years ago.  After a 3 year-long distance relationship (Sydney and LA), we got married in the summer of 2008. In the Spring of 2011, Trina’s health started being affected - something was not right. Our son was born in October of that year, but over the coming months, Trina’s weakness and symptoms just increased and so the little one's first few years of life were the hardest for all of us. Finally, in the Spring of 2015 she was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease and so we started our new journey of various forms of treatment which only left us more weak, broken and confused.

          It was only around the time our second son was born in 2019 that she started feeling better. And in ways that is mysterious to us, and for reasons that we cannot fathom - here we are, still in the valley in some ways, but sure about starting this ministry to encourage others in hard seasons of life. 2020 has reminded us that we are weak but Jesus is strong. Life is short and fragile, many are walking through hard seasons of life and yet the grace and truth of Jesus is enough. We have been prayerfully seeking God’s guidance and in the midst of many moments of confusion, some things have been quite clear. This ministry has been brewing on our hearts over the last year but in all honesty, we feel that God has been preparing us for this for the last ten years. Years of sickness and suffering were not pointless and there are some days we know that deep within. In light of all that we have faced, our hearts have been broken for those walking through hard seasons of life as well. The needs of people have matched up with the aches of our hearts - and this has brought clarity regarding the steps we ought to take.

         Over several months Aren worked on prayerfully processing his burdens and calling and in the end, wrote this one word: Remain. We left this and forgot about it, until Trina had a sure moment of clarity some months later. So began months of praying and consider, months of detours and confusion. But this kept coming up. And so we are walking by faith - and taking this step in launching this ministry together.  Deep down, we feel this is something we 'have' to do, for us to be wise stewards of the years of suffering we faced. 

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